
random thoughts

Monday, October 03, 2005

one week

just in case anybody is wondering... only one short week stands between us and anika's birthday!! let the coutdown begin. [and, as a side note, there are only 83 days left until christmas, but i digress...]

i've decided to post something about anika everyday until her birthday. (for something different, since i'm so original and never mention her in my posts normally). heehee

life: i met anika 12 years ago. we were in youth group together and used to make our leaders peanut butter and carrot sandwhiches. secretly they liked them.
character: anika has always been an excellent encourager. i still have letters and cards from her that make me cry every time i read them. she has the gift of encouragement. fo. sho.
random: anika changes her hair more often than most boys change their underwear.


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