
random thoughts

Monday, October 31, 2005

what a grand life

you know you need to get out more when...

so far, the highlight of my day has been flirting with the hot HandyDART driver while i was taking a client to the doctor's office.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

a new leaf

i've decided to be more motivated to work more. i know, a bit sketchy, isn't it. in any case, that leaves my blog sadly neglected. maybe on the weekend i can let my creative side out to come up with something fun and exciting. until then, here is a picture of me and ani having fun whale watching last weekend.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

gayometer :'(

i'm not sure how i feel about this...

"jane is 46% gay! congratulations. you've scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted lesbian babe"

Waaaahhhhh! Why, why couldn't i have resisted the temptation to do this stupid survey in the first place?! Just because i haven't had a serious boyfriend for two years doesn't mean... well, anything! Gah!


well pepes, tonight is a perogie (not vereneke) and garlic coil night. oh yes, we are going to sit in front of the telly, clog our arteries (with the aforementioned menu) and cheer our canucks on to victory. it also helps that it is a beautiful, sunny day. anika, start looking for a "c" in the clouds!

yesterday we had a birthday party for one of my clients who turned 91. it was so fantastic. a couple of her friends we brought (who are also my clients) are in their mid-80's, but the others were 90, 94, and 96. i love old people. they have such great perspective on life and can impart wisdom and have fun at the same time!

Monday, October 17, 2005

round one goes to anika

anika won.

the canucks game was on pay-per-view last night (YAY! we won!!), so i invited my posse over to my dad's house to watch the game. (he has satellite and a WAY bigger tv than us). as some of you may know, my dad's latest (herein referred to as 'sub3') is not my favourite homewrecker ever. so, anika and i devised a little game: JIF (not the peanut butter, nikol, don't worry).

anyways, phase one of the game was a race to see who could say the words "you, are, so, ugly" to sub3. i told anika that i would totally win b/c i was going to walk in and say "you are so nice to have us over. it sure is ugly outside." or something equally eloquent and brilliant. however, my plan was completely usurped when i walked in the door and anika practically plowed me down to hurry inside and blurted out, "you are so nice to have us over!!" before anyone even had a chance to say hello.

of course, i was trying to not die laughing right in the entry way. i tried to think of a clever way to catch up while carrying the big bag of chocolate we had brought over to the table. once again, i was shut down when sub3 commented on my rather cumbersome package of chocolate candies and anika quickly replied, "ya, we brought our own supply b/c we get ugly if we don't have enough chocolate."

i'll get you next time, gadget!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

the fat kid is always 'it' for longest

I got tagged by Nikol and Anika, so i better hurry up and tag someone else!

1. If money were no object, what would you be doing with your life? Relief and development work.

2. Money is just that - an object, so why aren't you doing it? Becuase the government doesn't feel the same way. They are insistent that i pay back everything they lent me. Jerks.

3. What's better: horses or cows? Probably cows. Cows are cute, yummy (steak or ice cream, take your pick), and don't try to buck me off and then step on me. Oh, and the thought of eating a 'skinny horse' just doesn't have the same appeal.

4. What do you think the secret to happiness is? Learning to deny our selfish human nature. It's all about perspective.

5. When was the last time you had a dream that you either remember well or did not want to awake from? Can you share a bit? I rarely ever dream, that i remember anyways. I had a dream last week that i remember well, but don't want to write about b/c it was really frightening and someone kept trying to kill me.

6. When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A lawyer. But now i mostly just want to be a good mom.

7. Complete this statement: Love is...Never having to say ... 'I don't like who I become when I'm with you.'

8. Can you tell a good story? (write one!) Sadly, no. But if i were to write any story, i would write a story about an evil critter named Buttons II, who terrorized the Queens' palace day and night, often waking the Queens and their courtiers. Try as she might, the court-dr-doo-little couldn't capture the little bugger. Finally, the Queens decided to call the court exterminator to rid themselves of the beast. Buttons II caught wind of their plot and decided to run away, never to be seen again. He spent the rest of his days wandering around the kingdom, warning all the other horrible creatures to stay away from the palace. And they all lived happily ever after.

9. Can you remember your last daydream? What was it about? My day dreams are usually either about falling in love or growing old. I wonder if there is any correlation.


Monday, October 10, 2005


i have been extremely derelict in my blogging duties. iamashamed.

however, i have a darn good excuse... i had the most splendid Thanksgiving weekend. highlights include:
  • having a blast on friday night for ani's birthday party (despite the schizophrenic limo driver-- don't worry mom, i still tipped him well).
  • having someone creep around our backyard, trying to break into our house on saturday morning as we were trying to recover from the night before (redemption: he got in and made us breakfast).
  • having a delicious and fun thanksgiving dinner at ani's mom's place.
  • hearing pastor scott remind us of how we were created by a loving God who takes great delight in us.
  • helping jm miss his family birthday/thanksgiving dinner (b/c he was too stubborn to tell us about it) by taking him out for lunch.
  • having yet another thanksgiving dinner at my auntie's house (and, surprisingly, having a lot of fun with the whole fam).
  • helping andrew escape the rest of his family bday/thanksgiving dinner by kidnapping him away to the movies ('just like heaven' will make you laugh and cry, it's a good one).
  • spent the holiday monday, which just happened to be my bff's birthday, celebrating her greatness by shopping, eating, playing and watching our canucks win!


Thursday, October 06, 2005

one more sleep

okay, so anika's actual birthday is still 4 days away. but her party is tomorrow!

life: anika let me wiggle my way into her family. they are great (except for, of course, the ones we don't speak of). i get family vacations, holiday celebrations, and birthday parties. anika is very gracious about inviting people.
character: anika is an overcomer.
random: anika has fun drooling with me on the front of jm's boat. (not on purpose. it just happens.)

don't be alarmed!

Fear not, IIFs, family, and "others" (not the Lost kind of others *shudder*)!

my 'dear diary' post was a scandal and a half. jessica, i'm sorry for leaving you out of the loop-- come in, come in. be confused no more.

if i ever suffer the misfortune of falling head over heels for a tall, dark and handsome man, i will tell you!! andrew is, of course, absolutely fantastic. however, we were simply plotting to uncover an international spy ring. sorry for not warning you 'faithful others' (fothers? faithers?) before hand. we didn't want our scheming leaked to the media. or to andrew's brother-in -law, jordie.

speaking of jordie (sorry for not asking permission to use your name on my blog), he gave blood too! YAY for people who donate blood! in true amway fashion (white rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit-- crazy pyramid companies creep me out), i think that andrew, me, and my sister, esl, should get kudos for our new convert. here's the deal, fothers, donate blood. it's good karma.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

dj queen...?!

anika erin countdown: 5

life: anika has been making compilation albums since cassette tapes were the norm. (and i am happy to report that her dj-ing skills have started to improve, as evidenced with her latest "party favour" cd. see? you should all be coming up for her party tomorrow night, then you could have one too!)
character: anika will help out wherever she can.
random: anika is a wheel of fortune super star. it's brilliant. absolutely brilliant. don't play against her; you'll cry.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

fashion police

anika erin countdown: 6

life: anika is very fashion conscientious, and always makes the boys swoon. (warning: do NOT wear socks with sandals around her).
character: anika takes great pride in her fantastic son and chooses to be a very attentive mom.
random: anika can tie a knot in a cherry stem before you can say "bob's your uncle."


Monday, October 03, 2005

one week

just in case anybody is wondering... only one short week stands between us and anika's birthday!! let the coutdown begin. [and, as a side note, there are only 83 days left until christmas, but i digress...]

i've decided to post something about anika everyday until her birthday. (for something different, since i'm so original and never mention her in my posts normally). heehee

life: i met anika 12 years ago. we were in youth group together and used to make our leaders peanut butter and carrot sandwhiches. secretly they liked them.
character: anika has always been an excellent encourager. i still have letters and cards from her that make me cry every time i read them. she has the gift of encouragement. fo. sho.
random: anika changes her hair more often than most boys change their underwear.

cue scary music

creepy and freaky: i'm the only one in this three story building today. that in itself is enough to put my on edge.

when i came this morning, the alarm was on [good, good. this is how it's supposed to be]. i disarmed it and opened all the doors between the front door and my eerie basement lair. all the while, trying to ignore the smashed in window on the lonely van in our parking lot.

i just went upstairs to get my sandwhich from the kitchen and the front door was OPEN (all employees and clients use the side door). not just unlocked, but actually slightly ajar! go figure.

there are several mysteries in this one travesty. 1) how could the alarm be activated with the door open. 2) why didn't i notice the front door open this morning. [perhaps b/c it's never open and nobody uses it!] 3) who the freak has a key and snuck in. 4) and last, but certainly not least, where the flip did he go?!

*breathe* okay, iif, if i never blog again, you know what happened...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

ho hum

nothing too exciting happening in my neck of the woods. (does anybody else find this expression to be quite odd?)

we (lisa, sunny, donny and i) arrived at my parents place in kelowna last night at about 1:30. i had the most comfortable sleep EVER on my very own bed *sigh* i miss my bed. i slept in, had a lazy morning, and now we're off to the best eating establishment in the world: the woodfire bakery. and then tonight we get THANKSGIVING dinner! Yay. (This is b/c my bff's birthday is next weekend-- and five other friends', so i won't be home for the long weekend.)

and the weather is nice here, as usual. so basically i'm having a relaxing, stress-free weekend. ahhh...