
random thoughts

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

me in a nutshell...

... haha, i never said what SIZE of a shell it was going to be!

  1. I was almost named Trixie, but my Nana wouldn’t let me be; she thought it was a dog name.
  2. I have two sisters, two brothers, and two half sisters. (As well as four nieces and three nephews!).
  3. My idea of "roughing it" is slow room service. Yes, I am indeed high maintenance!
  4. I have been to 12 countries. Italy was my favourite (but Canada is the best place in the world to live).
  5. I dislike messiness. I make my bed everyday.
  6. I brush my teeth at LEAST four times a day. I don’t have any cavities! :)
  7. I don’t bite my nails, but I like to click them on my teeth. I also thoroughly enjoy snapping my gum and blowing bubbles with it.
  8. I have learned to whistle loud (you know, with your fingers…), but it was a slow, painful process.
  9. I find strange piercings and most tattoos to be very unattractive. Perhaps b/c I’m too chicken to do either myself.
  10. My favourite cereal combo is Shreddies mixed with Cheerios, and some All Bran sprinkled on top. Mmmmm yum.
  11. I love mornings, but I have to get lots of sleep to really enjoy them. Usually, I don’t get to bed early enough though.
  12. I absolutely despise being woken up by bright lights (besides the sun) or loud noises.
  13. I sleep on my stomach, kinda on my left side. My left arm is my pillow, and my pillow supports my left hand—NO hanging hands!!!
  14. My knight in shining armour would have dark hair, beautiful hands, and not be too tall—but not short either.
  15. I think that alcohol is a complete waste of money and brain cells. I have never been drunk before.
  16. I don’t like snow. It’s too cold and wet and not fun at all. And most Vancouverites have no idea how to drive in it!!
  17. I drove to Las Vegas for New Years, 2000. We decided to go on Dec. 28. It was a fun trip, but a bit of a let down.
  18. I don’t like dancing in public. Not that I can’t, I’m just saying that I don’t like to.
  19. I took tae kwon do for a year. I could probably kick your butt. (lol…)
  20. I hate small or stuffy spaces. I’d like to drive a mini van.
  21. I’ve gone to the same church for 23 years and I love it!
  22. Adrenaline rushes do NOT make me happy.
  23. Horror flicks are satanic and freak me right out.
  24. I have a degree in International Studies from TWU. I took mostly poli sci classes, with a smattering of economics, history, geography, and sociology.
  25. I never (okay, rarely) got road rage before I started commuting to Vancouver every day.
  26. I’ve never gotten a traffic violation ticket. (knock, knock, knock).
  27. I’ve kayaked down the Chilliwack River. I almost died a couple of times, but wasn’t experienced enough to realize that (thankfully!) until I was told at the bottom.
  28. I can count the number of enjoyable camping trips I’ve had on one hand. And yet, I still get the urge to go. Hm, strange.
  29. I’ve never broken a bone in my body (knock, knock, knock).
  30. I can’t eat spicy food.
  31. I got 113 demerits on my class 4 driver’s test. I knew it was the examiner, so I took it again a week later at a different place and got 8 demerits. Go figure.
  32. I’m the most musically challenged person in my family. The only things I can play are the ukulele and the stereo.
  33. I love Angel and Coco Mademoiselle perfume. I wear Clinique make up.
  34. I never go out in the sun without sunblock. A hat and shades are usually also along for the ride.
  35. I used to have hair down to my waist. I’ve also had it cut 1” or less all over.
  36. The only time I’ve ever gotten sent to the principal’s office (grade 6), my mom was helping out in the office that day. Doh!
  37. I don’t like animals in the house. People who let their pets live inside are strange, and a bit ucky.
  38. I think skinny dippy is the most atrocious scandal in the world. Well, okay, maybe not.
  39. I met one of my best friends at church where we used to make pb and carrot sandwiches for our discipleship leader. My other bf I met at high school; she continuously dropped things on my head when I was getting things out of my locker (underneath hers).
  40. I love U2. And country music (NOT hick country). I also love worship music and, of course, Christmas music.
  41. Christmas is my most favouritest time of the year! I like decorating (and listening to Christmas music) right after Remembrance Day and leaving it up until Valentines Day.
  42. My parents mean the world to me. They are both very wise, gentle, loving, and hilarious people. I’m very lucky to have them.
  43. I’ve gotten my tongue stuck to a metal pole before, and have lived to tell about it.
  44. I love watching hockey.
  45. I’m very sad that the 2010 Olympics are going to be here. No city has ever recouped their overall losses from hosting the Olympics. It’s detrimental to people and the environment.
  46. My sisters and I once sat down for three hours and recited the entire Aladdin transcript (including songs) with our mom.
  47. My Nana was one of the most precious people on this entire planet. She died in November 2001, but I still miss her every day.
  48. I still sit on my mom’s lap for a cuddle, even though I almost don’t fit. She also tucks me into bed when I go home for the weekend.
  49. My favourite outfit includes blue jeans, a beater and hoodie, cute socks, and my boots. And of course, fun underwear.
  50. My sister and I like to harmonize Joy to the World, while whistling.


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